Sunny Lawnseed Mix

New-Improved Formula!!
Sunny Lawn Seed now has Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass that establishes quickly like annual ryegrass but provides persistence and longevity.
Sunny Lawnseed is best adapted to areas where there is little to no shade, but can be used in partially shaded areas.
Sunny Lawn Seed Contains:
25% Wildhorse Kentucky Bluegrass
25% Appalachian Kentucky Bluegrass
50% Turf Type Perennial Ryegrass

Sunny Lawnseed contains turf type perennial ryegrass which comes quickly and will green up your lawn and provide cover until your other grasses can fill in as well as provide a persistent, beautiful green lawn year after year. Sunny Lawnseed, like all lawnseeds will establish themselves fuller year after year.


Plant at 1/4″ depth.
It is very important to follow the correct procedures when establishing your lawn, this can save you much money, headache and will increase the likelihood that you will have a beautiful and successful lawn.
All lawn plantings should be preceded by a soil test. It is impossible to tell what the existing fertility level of a soil is by looking at it. Having the proper fertility level is very important to the success of any planting.
Best results will be achieved if the lime or fertilizer recommended is mixed thoroughly into the soil. Once you take the necessary measures to get the soil ready for planting, make sure the area is evenly distributed and smooth so you are at the final desired level you want prior to planting. Plant seeds at 1/4″ depth into well prepared seed bed. Lightly cover the seed by raking. You may also use a light roller to gently pack the soil. When planting, apply half the seed in one direction and then turn at a right angle and apply the remaining seed over the same area. This will ensure a better, more even distribution of the seeds. Mulch the area with straw to help conserve moisture. After germination, do not attempt to remove the straw. Until the seeds germinate and emerge, it is necessary to keep the top half inch of the soil moist. This may require watering every day.


After emergence reduce the watering but maintain adequate moisture in the top six inches of soil. Make sure and fertilize your lawn after the initial 6 weeks and routinely as needed. Begin mowing the grass as soon as it is high enough to be mowed (at least 2 inches) and do not remove more than one third of the top growth in a single cutting. Plant roots must have adequate time to become established before the dormant period begins, so early spring or late summer planting are recommended. Keep at least a 2″ stubble in your lawn to protect your lawn from burning off in the hot months or freezing off in the colder months. You should also make sure your mower blades are sharp as dull blades will injure young plants. You may interseed your lawn as needed-just make sure there is seed to soil contact and that adequate moisture is given to the new growth areas. *If you have establishment or management concerns, get your soil tested. Proper fertilization and moisture are key to a successful lawn.

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