
Sainfoin is a non-bloating, deep-rooted, perennial legume that is highly nutritious, and very palatable for all classes of grazing animals.
Sainfoin also makes an excellent wildlife attractant and feed for deer & elk.
Sainfoin is one of the best plants for a bee attractant and pollination. Bees readily take nectar from the pink flowers and sainfoin nectar makes excellent honey.
Sainfoin does not require fertilizer and provides nitrogen fixing capabilities, cutting feed and plot costs significantly. Sainfoin is very winter-hardy and drought resistance.

Sainfoin is similar to alfalfa, but is taller, non-bloating, shorter lived, will bloom one to two weeks earlier and does not have a lot of regrowth after cutting.
Sainfoin will not tolerate wet conditions and performs best on well drained soils.
Sainfoin is resistant to the alfalfa weevil and is resistant to the root rot phase.


Plant 1/4″ depth and NO MORE THAN 3/4″! Unconsumed sainfoin seed will readily germinate on soils with a moisture, so adequate residue should be left behind to maintain moister conditions for natural recruitment and increased stand longevity.


Sainfoin matures early in the season for grazing. When used for hay, cut at mid to full bloom, recovery will be slow.

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