Rival Annual Ryegrass

Rival Brand Annual Ryegrass is a quick establishing, late maturing, tetraploid annual ryegrass with high palatability, energy and feed values.
Rival Brand Annual Ryegrass offers producers fast growth and regrowth and is a valuable tool for producers who need a quick pasture, a fast growing grass cover crop or pasture renovations.
Rival Brand Annual Ryegrass has a very high sugar content, good rust resistance and excellent productivity.

In general, annual ryegrasses are easy to establish, fast growing and very palatable. They offer producers a lot of quick tonnage and ground stabilization when needed.


Plant at 1/4″ depth. Rival can be spring or early fall seeded, frost-seeded, broadcast or drilled.


Annual ryegrasses like moist, fertile soils and will respond to liberal applications of nitrogen.

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