Plowdown Mix

Our Plowdown Mix is a great soil builder and Nitrogen provider, providing 80-120 units/Nitrogen per Acre! Plowdown Mix contains a premix of Alfalfa & Clovers which are pre-inoculated with OMRI inoculantd for improved establishment and growth.
(Inoculation is highly recommended when planting legumes.)

Plowdown Mix: 24% Alfalfa, 24% Mammoth Red Clover, 24% Alsike Clover, 24% Sweet Clover, 4% Ladino White Clover.
*Details on Seed Coatings, Inoculations & the OMRI downloadable certificates on our Reference Page.


Plant at 1/4″ depth. An ideal soil bed is moist, fertile and firm. A soil test is recommended for proper plant establishment and growth.


When using Plowdown Mix as a green manure crop, till under when in the flowering stage. Plowdown Mix has Alta-Swede Mammoth Red Clover in this mix, which has a long tap root and can loosen soils and mine phosphorus and other nutrients from deep within soil.
Plowdown Mix can be planted in the spring or fall and grow in more acid soil (pH 5.0-6.0) than other clovers if lime is applied at the time of seeding.
Cutting or grazing clovers will stimulate new growth and nitrogen fixation.

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