Pleasure Horse II Mix
Improved Formula!!
Pleasure Horse Mix II is an excellent, long-term mix for not only horses, but all classes of livestock.
This improved Pleasure Horse II mix is a very good high energy and palatable blend of grasses that are very persistent and provide high quality forage for working, pleasure or show horses. The types of seed and varieties were chosen for quality, yield and longevity.
Pleasure Horse II consists of:
20% Tekapo Grazing Orchardgrass
20% Preval Meadow Fescue (endophyte free!)
20% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
10% Tetrasweet Perennial Ryegrass
10% DUO Festulolium
10% Bronson Tall Fescue (Endophyte Free!)
5% Filly Kentucky Bluegrass (forage specific!)
5% Tuukka Timothy
All of our Pasture Perfect Mixes contain improved varieties of grasses specifically suited for grazing situations. They are palatable, provide high feed values, are very digestible and provide maximum yield potentials.
It is best to have your pasture fully established prior to grazing animals. If you put livestock on the pasture too soon, they can damage the new seedlings and horses can pull out the roots systems.
Plant at 1/4″ depth. An ideal soil bed is moist, fertile and firm. A soil test is recommended for proper plant establishment and growth.
*Keep grazing animals off new pastures for 2-3 months and do not overgraze new pastures.