N-Vest Crimson Cover All Mix

N-Vest™ Crimson Cover All Mix is a combination of Crimson Clover and GroundHog Radish. Crimson Cover All mix is an excellent producer and scavenger of nitrogen.
While the Crimson clover can produce up to 140 units of N/Acre, the GroundHog Radish can scavenge 130 pounds of N/Acre!

N-Vest™ Cover Crop Mixes were developed specifically to meet the differing needs of farmers and how they can benefit from planting cover crops in the fall. There re many benefits to using fall cover crops on your farm (soil protection, nutrient capture, improved soil tilth, soil pests reduction, increased Nitrogen fixation and improvement to future crop production).


Plant at 1/4-1/2″ depth or N-Vest Cover all Mix can be aerially applicated at 1/4-1/2″ depth, depending on moisture level available.
Plant July to early September.


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