Little Bluestem
Little Bluestem is a native bunch grass that spreads by seed and underground tillers. Little Bluestem grows 3 to 5 feet tall with roots 5 to 8 feet deep and has finer leaves than Big Bluestem and is more drought tolerant.
At one time Little Bluestem was the most widely distributed grass in America. Little Bluestem thrives on a variety of soils but produces best on medium and dry soils.
Plant 1/4″ deep.
Native grasses are slow establishing and weed control is vital during stand development. When grazing or cutting, do not graze Little Bluestem under 8 inch heighth and do not cut/graze until it is at least 16 inches tall. Do not graze it below 8 inches. A rest before frost is a good idea to give the plant time to store carbohydrates in the stems and crowns. If cutting for hay cut the 1st crop early while it is still leafy and before it heads out.