Hi-Nitro Alfalfa

Hi-Nitro Alfalfa is a non-hardy alfalfa developed to be used as a high preforming plowdown. Hi-Nitro will produce much more nitrogen than conventional alfalfas.

Hi-Nitro alfalfa is pre-inoculated with an OMRI listed inoculation for improved establishment and growth.
Inoculation is recommended when planting legumes.
*Details on seed coatings, inoculations and our OMRI certificate is available on our Resources Page.


Plant at 1/4″ depth. An ideal soil bed is moist, fertile and firm. Alfalfa prefers crumbly silt loam to sandy loam textures but alfalfa will grow well on most deep, well-drained soils with adequate internal and surface drainage. Plant at least 1/2″ depth on sandy soils.
Alfalfa may be planted in the spring or early fall. Apply lime and fertilizer as needed. Your pH levels should be 6.5-7.0.
Alfalfa will die if the soil is saturated for an extended period.


For maximum yields, it is important to have 20-30 plants per square foot during the seedling year for protection against weed competition. Do not harvest alfalfa seeded in late summer/early fall until the following spring.
Allow new seedlings to start to bloom before the first harvest. Cut alfalfa three-four times a year when stand is 25% flowered.

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