Galaxy II Brand Multileaf Alfalfa

Galaxy II Brand Multileaf Alfalfa is an improved, very popular multileaf alfalfa bred for high forage quality and improved yields. Galaxy II offers producers a dark green, high leaf to stem ratio alfalfa for dairy quality alfalfa with a superior disease rating and very good winter-hardiness. Excellent choice for long rotations.

Galaxy II Alfalfa is an untreated/non-gmo alfalfa pre-inoculated with an OMRI listed inoculation for improved establishment and growth.
*Details on seed coatings, inoculations and our OMRI certificate are available on our Resources Page.

OMRI Listed



Plant alfalfa at 1/4″ depth in a soil bed that is moist, fertile and firm. Plant at least 1/2″ depth on sandy soils.
Alfalfa prefers crumbly silt loam to sandy loam textures, but alfalfa will grow well on most deep, well-drained soils with adequate internal and surface drainage.
The pH level for alfalfa should be 6.5-7.2.
Alfalfa may be planted in spring or early fall.

*Do not harvest alfalfa seeded in late summer/early fall until the following spring.
*Alfalfa will die if the soil is saturated for an extended period.


For maximum yields, it is important to have 20-30 plants per square foot during the seedling year for protection against weed competition.
Apply lime and fertilizer as needed.
Alfalfa is a heavy potash user, some micronutrient supplements would be beneficial (boron, sulfur, zinc).
First year seedings should be cut at 25% bloom.
Cut alfalfa three-four times a year from budding to full flower, depending on forage quality needed.
The last cutting or grazing of alfalfa should be 4 weeks before the killing frost.

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