Frosty Berseem Clover (w/Nitro-Coat® Organic)
Frosty Berseem Clover (w/Nitro-Coat® Organic) is a fast growing summer annual used for forage, as a nitrogen source, and as a cover crop.
Frosty Berseem Clover represents a huge breakthrough in cold tolerance for berseem clovers, surviving temperatures down to 5 degrees Fahrenheit. This not only extends Frosty’s growing season, but also extends the range of use significantly in the spring and the fall, both in the north and south. If Frosty Berseem is seeded earlier in the spring,
Frosty can give producers up to 25% more yield when used to beef up a winterkilled or dying alfalfa stands in the spring over traditional non cold-tolerant varieties. Frosty Berseem is very palatable and is relished by all livestock. There has never been a case of bloat reported with Berseem Clovers.
Berseem forage contains from 18 to 28 percent crude protein, very comparable with alfalfa. Frosty can be used for grazing or hay, giving produces not only high yields, but a high quality forage. In the fall, Frosty Berseem can establish enough growth for extra cuttings and grazings or provide farmers a robust, higher yielding cover crop with high nitrogen capabilities.
Frosty Berseem Clover is coated and pre-inoculated with an OMRI listed coating and inoculation for improved establishment and growth.
Coatings are beneficial for better seed coat protection and are easier to plant.
Inoculation is recommended when planting legumes.
*Details on seed coatings, inoculations and our OMRI certificates are available on our Resources Page.
OMRI Listed
Plant at 1/4″ depth. An ideal soil bed is moist, fertile and firm. A soil test is recommended for proper plant establishment and growth. Berseem can be helpful to spruce up a thin stand of alfalfa. In these conditions plant 8 to 12 pounds to the acre depending on the thickness of the alfalfa. Use 8 to 15 pounds to the acre when planting with Italian Ryegrass, Mutua Bromegrass or any of the annual ryegrasses for hay or pasture. Berseem has been planted with turnips or tyfon for a superb pasture for sheep. When planting with oats, barley, or triticale for haylage, 12 to 15 pounds to the acre is recommended. Adding Berseem will increase the protein content and enhance the quality of the haylage. Then the second and third crops can be used for hay, pasture or haylage.
Cut prior to bloom if you do not want Balansa to reseed.