Fridge Winter Triticale

Fridge Winter Triticale is a tall, leafy, forage triticale variety with good yields and test weights. Triticale offers higher protein content than wheat or rye and is very palatable.

Fridge Winter Triticale has long, awnletted heads and excellent winter survivability and can be used for grazing, silage, and hay-making.

Fridge also makes a popular cover crop due to its early quick growth and deep roots that will scavenge Nitrogen for the next crop.

Fridge Winter Triticale is a hybrid cross between Hard Red Winter Wheat and Winter Rye.

OMRI Listed



Plant 1/2-1″ depth.

Plant into well prepared seedbed for best germination success.

Total nitrogen needed for silage should be 120-130 actual pounds per acre; recommend at least 20 pounds of the total be applied at planting.


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