DUO Festulolium

DUO is a hybrid cross between a fescue and ryegrass, making DUO high producing & cold tolerant like a ryegrass but also tough like a fescue.
DUO Festulolium is an excellent grass whether seeded along or with other grasses, providing producers with excellent season long forage.
DUO was the highest yielding variety in its class when introduced.

When mixed with alfalfa or clovers, Duo provides a long lasting grass companion that will enhance the quality of the cow’s diet. When seeded alone or with other grasses Duo provides excellent season long forage.
DUO was one of the most high powered and palatable grasses tested in U-Wisconsin Grazing study when introduced. Duo is recommended for hay, grazing, silage or green chop (direct feeding).


Plant at 1/4″ depth. DUO can be spring or early fall seeded, frost-seeded, broadcast or drilled.


Ryegrasses and Ryegrass crosses (like DUO) likes moist, fertile soils and will respond to liberal applications of nitrogen.

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