Climax Timothy

Climax is the most recognized timothy in the US and widely used in pastures, hay mixtures and erosion control plans.
Climax Timothy is a tall, fine-stemmed, leafy, medium-late maturing timothy.

Developed by Ag-Canada in 1947, Climax has been widely used for many years.
Climax Timothy is primarily used in short term hay mixes in the U.S.


Plant at 1/4″ depth
*Timothy does not take early competition as well as other grasses in hay and pasture scenarios.


If grazing, graze timothy down to about 3-4 inches after the plant reaches 10-12 inches in height. This will provide the maximum forage quality and leaf-to-stem ratio. As with any forage, management practices dictate the quality of the forage nearly as much as the genetics of the product. With proper management practices timothy should provide high yielding, high quality forage that will result in maximum farmer profitability.

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