Certified Organic Wesley Hard Red Winter Wheat

Certified Organic Wesley Hard Red Winter Wheat was developed by the USDA-ARS in cooperation with Nebraska and co-released with South Dakota USDA-ARS.
Certified Organic Wesley is a moderately early maturing variety with a moderately short height and good winter-hardiness. Wesley offers good yields, excellent straw strength with tolerance to stripe rust.
Wesley was released for its superior breadmaking quality and high yield potential in the north central Great Plains. The name Wesley recognizes the many contributions to wheat breeding and wheat improvement made by Dr. John Wesley Schmidt during his career as University of Nebraska wheat breeder from 1954 to 1985.
*Organic seeds and grains are grown by organic growers that adhere to the strict organic practices that are required by organic producers. No chemical fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides are allowed in producing this seed. Genetic purity is maintained throughout the production and processing of this seed.
OMRI Listed
1″ to 1 1-2″ depth