Certified Organic Kora Tall Fescue

Certified Organic Kora Tall Fescue is an endophyte-free, high yielding, highly palatable tall fescue that is well suited for grazing, stockpiling or haymaking.
Kora’s medium maturity and high palatability make it a great complimentary grass in waterways, pastures and hay. Kora produces durable, high quality pastures that can withstand abuse once they are established.
To achieve this, careful stand management during the first year of establishment is essential for long term productivity.
Kora Tall Fescue was originated in Central Europe and this resulted in Kora being a very cold and drought tolerant variety.
Kora is best adapted to the northern portion of the tall fescue growing areas.
*Organic seeds and grains are grown by organic growers that adhere to the strict organic practices that are required by organic producers. No chemical fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides are allowed in producing this seed. Genetic purity is maintained throughout the production and processing of this seed.
Tall Fescue is best planted in the Spring or early Autumn when the soil is warm. Plant at 1/4″ depht into a well prepared, firm seedbed. Tall Fescue can be broadcast or planted-do NOT plant too deep, 1/8 – 1/4 inch is best. Fescues, do not no-till establish well, unless a herbicide is used to kill or retard the existing stand, as there is too much competition from the already established grasses. Soil samples should be collected and analyzed well in advance of establishment.
Lime should be applied six months in advance to allow time to react. Phosphorous and potassium should be applied according to soil test recommendation. Lacking a soil test, apply: N= 30 lbs., P= 70lbs. and K= 50 lbs./acre. Appropriate cutting heighth is improtant for plant regrowth. After cutting, there should be leaves remaining on the plant.