Certified Organic Hairy Vetch

Certified Organic Hairy Vetch is a vigorous winter annual legume that is used mostly for green manure.
Hairy Vetch can also be seeded in corn at the last cultivation or planted with fall rye grain in the fall.
Certified Organic Hairy Vetch is commonly planted in late summer/early to late fall with or without rye or other grains.
Spring regrowth is robust and hairy vetch will produce a large amount of nitrogen. Hairy vetch has a prostrate plant vine with purple flowers.
*Organic seeds and grains are grown by organic growers that adhere to the strict organic practices that are required by organic producers. No chemical fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides are allowed in producing this seed. Genetic purity is maintained throughout the production and processing of this seed.
Plant at 1/2″ to 1″ depth Inoculant recommended.