Certified Organic Certified Shelby 427 Oats

Certified Organic

Certified Organic Certified Shelby 427 oats are a very popular, newer released oat.
Shelby 427’s are a tall, early oat with superior yields and grain weight and quality.
Shelby 427 oats are an excellent choice for grain and their early maturity make them a great choice for an alfalfa nurse crop.
Shelby 427’s have a superior disease package and make excellent straw.

Certified Organic Certified Shelby 437 oats are a PVPA protected variety released from South Dakota.
*Certified Organic Certified Shelby 427 oats are packaged in 1.5 bushel bags (48#).

*Organic seeds and grains are grown by organic growers that adhere to the strict organic practices that are required by organic producers. No chemical fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides are allowed in producing this seed. Genetic purity is maintained throughout the production and processing of this seed.


Plant 3/4″ to 1 1/2″ depth


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