Certified Organic Austrian Winter Peas

Certified Organic Austrian Winter Peas are a versatile, cool season annual legume.
Certified Organic Austrian Winter Peas are fall seeded and can be used for grazing, green manure and hay and are very popular in wildlife plots.
Certified Organic Austrian Winter Peas are an excellent Nitrogen producer providing palatable, high nutrition along with body & antler development and growth.
Certified Austrian Winter Peas are semi-erect growth habit and sensitivity to grazing make it a secondary choice for intensive grazing
Pea Inoculation is highly recommended when planting Austrian Winter Peas for nodular development and growth.
*Organic seeds and grains are grown by organic growers that adhere to the strict organic practices that are required by organic producers. No chemical fertilizer, insecticides or herbicides are allowed in producing this seed. Genetic purity is maintained throughout the production and processing of this seed.
Planted 1/2-1″ depth.
Certified Organic Austrian Winter Peas perform best in a pH range of 6.3-7.0 and require adequate phosphorous and potassium.
Certified Organic Austrian Winter Pea may not winter in the Northern states (they will die off in low 20 degree temps), but can be planted in the North in late spring for a summer silage crop or in the late summer/early fall for late fall harvest, nitrogen building or winter cover crop.
Winter Peas perform best in a pH range of 6.3-7.0 and require adequate phosphorous and potassium.
Winter Peas perform poorly under low light levels, hence it doesn’t interseed into corn very well. Fluctuations between warm and cold temperatures will inhibit growth and may kill plants.
Winter Peas are not well adapted well for pasture as they do not tolerate trampling.