About Us

Welter Seed and Honey Company is a family-owned seed business offering a wide variety of agricultural seed. We offer one of the widest selections of forage seed for both organic and conventional farmers. Our company was founded in 1955 by Herman and Veronica Welter and is operated by the Welter Family. We have a 60-year tradition of offering quality seed at a fair price. You can give us a call and speak to one of the Welter’s or one of our staff to help you make your seed decisions. We take great care and pride in assisting our customers with their seed needs. Please browse through our seed catalog for more information on our seed varieties, planting rates, and other helpful information.
We ship seed using UPS, SpeeDee, and freight trucks across all of the United States. We pay ½ of the shipping expense on all grass seed, clovers, and grasses on orders of 50 pounds or more. We do not pay ½ of shipping on grains, DE, or Kelp Meal. Call us for a shipping quote.
Any item under 25 pounds will be subject to a handling fee of $3.00 per item. Some items are sold only in full bags.
Payment Information 
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Discover, and American Express.
$15 Alfalfa Discount
Ask us about our $15 alfalfa discount for select alfalfas purchased in December, January, and February.