Medium Red Clover

Medium Red Clover is a very versatile 2-3 year economical red clover with many uses. Medium Red makes nutritious and highly palatable hay, pasture, or silage and can be used in deer plots or as a nitrogen producing plowdown. Medium Red is more shade tolerant than alfalfa and persists under wetter and more acidic conditions. Red clovers are one of the fastest establishing legumes and can even be grown on more acidic soils.

Medium Red Clover is pre-inoculated with an OMRI listed inoculation for improved establishment and growth. Inoculation is recommended when planting legumes.
*Details on seed coatings, inoculations and our OMRI certificate is available on our Resources Page.


Plant at 1/4″ depth. An ideal soil bed is moist, fertile and firm. A soil test is recommended for proper plant establishment and growth. Red clovers can be planted, broadcast or frost-seeded successfully.


Graze or cut for hay when the red clover is ¼ to ½ in bloom. A second cutting or successive grazing should occur when red clover is ¼ in bloom. Leave at least 2 to 3 inches of growth after each harvest. Care should be taken to eliminate or appreciably reduce bloating of livestock when grazing. Keep lime and fertilizers (phosphorus and potash) at the proper level. When using as a green manure crop, till under when in the flowering stage. Medium Red Clover will fix 150-200 lbs N/Acre.

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